Monday, December 3, 2007

What TYPE are you? HAHAHAH

well...Do you ever get sick of the same font all the time?

I do..
So yeah. I'm in trade school class stuff today.
Basically all I do is practice typing for now, since I'm lazy.
I got 93 wpm today...
I don't think that 'technically' I'm suppose to blog durring class time...
But, hey, I'm practicing, aren't I =D?
Totally Fair.
So yeah, that crazy psycho stalker bitch that beat me up over the summer?
Yeah, she's back.
She showed up...I think it was Friday.
She was with two other boys, who were pounding on my door...
I didn't anser n_n
So yeah, I called the police and while they police man was there....
My sister informed me they had also been out back just a few moments before.
So the police man didn't see them.
Which means...
Nothing happened.
However, I have seen them drive by in a truck a few times since.
How creepy is that? Would you want to deal with that?
I think not.
So I feel pretty awesome today...
Considering I'm okay with all this shit going on around me...
By the way.
There is alot more than just this.
I just don't feel like telling you.
Nunya xD...
Such a dumb word, but it works ^_^
So yeah, I don't really feel like typing much else...
I need to catch a bus.

Thursday, November 29, 2007


Meh. I'm so rediculously bored right now...there's never anything to

So yeah, anyways...I had mail* to send out today n_n Yep...Finally got off my ass and did something...

*note: It always takes me weeks to send something I say I'm going to normally.

So yeah...I did it within days of saying I was going to ^_^ Though it did take me weeks to get the pictures I said I was going to get >_> Hahahahaa....Always a procrastinator ^^;; Oh well, it's done now, so does it really matter how long it took? Hope you don't drop me for being ugly, you know who you are >_o;

So anyways, I don't really have much to say today, thusly why I'm using the larger font then what's normal for me....Filler =DDDD!

I started reading 'Breakfast of Champions' last night. It's pretty good =D I should have expected that though, seeing as where the recommendation came from n_n Good guy, good guy...besides the him-being-a -dick part. o.O Yep.

So yeah, I really should do that stupid article for the paper this weekend...or at least start it today at some point....I was sick this morning, thusly why I'm not in school...but I'm fine now o_O I think I didn't want to go so badly to the point where I made myself think I was sick...I think that is pretty possible, since most things seem to be mental anyways.....ya know? Like it being cold outside when it's prefectly fine...I mean, ya know? MENTAL. Except when it really is cold and your cold..that is fine....but those people..I mean, that have the air conditioner on all year round...COME ON! It's freezing ;_; Leave the weather be...just...seriously, layer DOWN. . . . .

On another note, I'm happy today ^_^ And beautiful....and shirt looks nice...Neil, you can keep that fucking shirt, I found better still want it back -_-.. Not that you'll ever see this anyways...maybe I should have used a smaller font after all...seeing as I'm way too talkative..I should stop at this point....

Saturday, November 24, 2007


I don't understand why....why....

My PS2 controllers have stopped working on me....
...No more StarOcean...


...It's just not fair...
...It's just not right...
...There was no warning...
...Now I cannot fight...

...The loss of this game...
...It was a premature end...
...I have nothing to do...
...So a message I send...

...Mother just please...
...Replace this thing...
...It would make me so happy...
...I would most surely sing...

That was ghey. Yep. So point is....
I need to borrow someone elses controller...
I really need to level up my characters ;_;

So yeah, bored until then...
I need sex.

Friday, November 23, 2007

Orange is such an up-beat color.

Well, ya see now...I don't really have anything to write about I'll just post what I ate yesterday =D woo...shitty unintentional rhyme.

I ate...:

Turkey, ha dur.
Mashed Tatoes.
Something Squash o_O
Sweet Potatoes.
Key Lime Pie.
Various Bread Substances.

Yep. I think that pretty much covers it.

So yeah, Useless Informations indeed.

My day was pretty boring. I watched some weird movie that had something to do with pedophiliac incest. Yup. Interesting, and some girl who pretends to be deaf killed the girl's father who had been doing his daughter. Fun times o_O I was like...huh.

That sums up my day. Sex would be really nice right now. Please? =D??

I wonder if Scott is ever going to call me or reply to my last message.... >_> Well?

So yep, happy peoples, I hope you enjoyed your holiday. Maybe someone will call me today, besides Brandon. Brandon's like my bestest guy bud thing, but common, I need other human interation. ... ... . ...Though I would enjoy some Dynasty Warriors today, but I doubt he has time before work. Also, I turned down his invite to McDonals. Sorry, but I have left-overs :\ Bai.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

You know after I posted that last post I got beat up but a few moments later? Yeah...sweet huh? Anyways....So yeah =D

Life is okay, I'm in school. fun fun fun... I really want to read "The Plague"; it actually looks pretty good...

Did you know?....

My WPM is 78? Damn bitches, I rock.

I don't have diseases...Yet.

I'm not pregnant. It requires sex >_>

I've gotten the highest scores on my tests in school EVER. Again, I rock.

I have constant dehydration issues.

My boyfriend is a wonderful artist and I wish to eat him.

I believe all flowers should be sharp. Seriously, it's like "Happy Mother's Day!" *stab* xD.

Whenever I'm on my perd I'm super horny all the time. Seriously. I'd so jump you.

I have lots of homework to do. That means bye. =D

Alottarandomness. :D I like this color. Perty. Eat more cashews.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Loud Rap and Country DIE DIE DIE

This is absolutely fucking rediculous. Seriously. It's 3:45 AM and these people are still blarring music. W.T.F. -_- I seriously want to kill myself right now...just fucking rip out my fucking eardrums. I'm so annoyed...they had it down for awhile since I came down and said something...then I had finally fallen asleep...and up it went -_- Waking me up. As always. I can't take much more of this. I'm fucking telling my boss tomorrow them I'm NOT going to work. Fuck that. If her fucking boyfriend wants to keep me up like an asshole, then fine. But I'm NOT going. Fuck it. I don't care. u_u; If this EVER happens again, I'm going back to my moms. -_- Anything is better than this. I wish there was another choice though -.-' I hate my life. Seriously. I fucking get to sleep in a kids bed with music that sounds like it's coming from the fucking sky when in actuality it's coming from downstairs. *SIGH* Not to mention it really is fucking hot up there...I can handle that though...just not the fucking music...I need quiet time, at least durring sleep. It's not like I was asking them to turn it way down, just so that it wasn't making my ears ring and the fucking floor vibrate -__-' And of course since they're both drunk they're arguing away. Jesus fucking christ...can we say bad relationship? Seriously. If you can't get along when you're drunk, then don't fucking drink a liter of fucking rum -_- Not to mention he smokes pot behind her back...O_o;....Completely unhealthy relationship. So yep. Rediculous. Shoot me now please ~~.... *sigh* Guess it's not too bad. I just would like to get a few hours sleep before work. But like I said. NOT FUCKING GOING -_- Well...I could still...I might get six hours if I wake up late...and if I were to fall asleep right away -_- I need my fucking sleep. Jesus. I should just start sleeping in the middle of the fucking day...too bad I have to leave two hours early for work to actually get there on time u_u HATE HATE HATE. Yep. Ahwell though..that's life...At least I have something to look forward to though ^_^

Wednesday, July 18, 2007


So yeah, now I'm hyper so I can ramble on about life and yeah...I have a decent boyfriend now ^_^...well...more than decent....until recently I had always just gone out with whomever asked this was a bit different..since I didn't really know if they liked me or not...meh...but they do ^_^ So all is well....unfortunetly talking to him has seemed to be a bit of a problem the last few days...hopefully something can be done about that though, I always get all depressed when I can't talk to the person I'm with ._.' I should try to find things to do, but instead I just sit around and sigh. ~_~ I think it's an american thing. yeah ^_^ I'm happy...currently... Just kinda letting life be life....if that makes sense o_O; Thinking too hard can make you all is kinda full of disapointments and what not...but yeah ^_^ Happy. yep. Good....hnnn n_n....


So yeah...the first one..these are always yeah...this is it for now...just to have something here....yep....