Monday, December 3, 2007

What TYPE are you? HAHAHAH

well...Do you ever get sick of the same font all the time?

I do..
So yeah. I'm in trade school class stuff today.
Basically all I do is practice typing for now, since I'm lazy.
I got 93 wpm today...
I don't think that 'technically' I'm suppose to blog durring class time...
But, hey, I'm practicing, aren't I =D?
Totally Fair.
So yeah, that crazy psycho stalker bitch that beat me up over the summer?
Yeah, she's back.
She showed up...I think it was Friday.
She was with two other boys, who were pounding on my door...
I didn't anser n_n
So yeah, I called the police and while they police man was there....
My sister informed me they had also been out back just a few moments before.
So the police man didn't see them.
Which means...
Nothing happened.
However, I have seen them drive by in a truck a few times since.
How creepy is that? Would you want to deal with that?
I think not.
So I feel pretty awesome today...
Considering I'm okay with all this shit going on around me...
By the way.
There is alot more than just this.
I just don't feel like telling you.
Nunya xD...
Such a dumb word, but it works ^_^
So yeah, I don't really feel like typing much else...
I need to catch a bus.

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