Thursday, July 19, 2007

Loud Rap and Country DIE DIE DIE

This is absolutely fucking rediculous. Seriously. It's 3:45 AM and these people are still blarring music. W.T.F. -_- I seriously want to kill myself right now...just fucking rip out my fucking eardrums. I'm so annoyed...they had it down for awhile since I came down and said something...then I had finally fallen asleep...and up it went -_- Waking me up. As always. I can't take much more of this. I'm fucking telling my boss tomorrow them I'm NOT going to work. Fuck that. If her fucking boyfriend wants to keep me up like an asshole, then fine. But I'm NOT going. Fuck it. I don't care. u_u; If this EVER happens again, I'm going back to my moms. -_- Anything is better than this. I wish there was another choice though -.-' I hate my life. Seriously. I fucking get to sleep in a kids bed with music that sounds like it's coming from the fucking sky when in actuality it's coming from downstairs. *SIGH* Not to mention it really is fucking hot up there...I can handle that though...just not the fucking music...I need quiet time, at least durring sleep. It's not like I was asking them to turn it way down, just so that it wasn't making my ears ring and the fucking floor vibrate -__-' And of course since they're both drunk they're arguing away. Jesus fucking christ...can we say bad relationship? Seriously. If you can't get along when you're drunk, then don't fucking drink a liter of fucking rum -_- Not to mention he smokes pot behind her back...O_o;....Completely unhealthy relationship. So yep. Rediculous. Shoot me now please ~~.... *sigh* Guess it's not too bad. I just would like to get a few hours sleep before work. But like I said. NOT FUCKING GOING -_- Well...I could still...I might get six hours if I wake up late...and if I were to fall asleep right away -_- I need my fucking sleep. Jesus. I should just start sleeping in the middle of the fucking day...too bad I have to leave two hours early for work to actually get there on time u_u HATE HATE HATE. Yep. Ahwell though..that's life...At least I have something to look forward to though ^_^

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