Sunday, May 25, 2008


Meh. So anyways. Continuation of earlier. So yeah, more stuff since then. Apparently my friend has cancer. Nice, ay? So yeah...I mean, I didn't think it had bothered me so much, I was actually wondering why I was taking it so well then my stomach starting hurting really bad and I got sick ~_~ So apparently I don't think I'm worried about stuff but it seems to physically affect me. =\ I can't even tell anymore. I'm already stressed about so much's like, just one more thing to add to the list. So yeah, I'm really worried about it. She's such a good person yet she always seems to go through the worst situation imaginable. Ah well. That's life I suppose. I'm trying to keep my mind off it for now, hopefully she'll be fine. She's stubborn as hell, so I think she'll be okay ^_^

Anyways...yeah...blah. I don't really feel like writting anything...I wonder if Scott ever got time on his almost seems pointless since he leaves on the first...but oh well....*SIGH* Blah. I don't know what I feel like doing right now. There's nothing's just..boring...and late....but I don't feel like going to sleep just yet...want to listen to some music before I get ready for bed. Otherwise I'll just sit up thinking about everything half the night. I really can't afford to do that since I have so much stuff to do tomorrow. My sister is doing her birthday party thing tomorrow since she didn't have time last week due to different evening events. Also there's a church memorial day thing...yep. Church food. I'm all over that most likekly. So yeah, anyways. I'm about ready for bed I think. I'm pretty tired from the day's events.

So yep. Later.

random shortness

Hm..I'm trying to keep up with this alittle more, just to vent...

Have you ever noticed how music can enhance a mood you're in? Like, I listen to alot of love songs and sad music...Maybe that's why I'm always so depressed >_o; It's like I have a certain view in my head of the way things are suppose to be, yet they never seem to go that way. I live in a fantasy world ~_~

Anyways, I have work again next week =D This is awesome. If I keep getting little jobs like this that are only two days a week I should be able to afford to go see Scott and actually have the time to go for four or five days ^_^ Way better than just two days. I would be highly disapointed if that's all the time I got to spend with him. Though the money situation in general pretty much sucks...I'll only be getting around $120 a week...meh. It will take me a few weeks to have enough to go. I was really hoping to have a car to go there with...But I won't -.- And I'll have to take a bus, it's cheaper than going by plane. Ah well...

So let's talk about a few things that have been making a bit depressed besides that.

Even though I probably said something about them in the last blog.

Okay, so I've always had alot of guy friends, I don't get along with girls so well. So yeah..I've had alot of guys hitting on me and what not and it's just getting really fucking annoying. It's like, god, seriously, back off -_- Everyone knows I'm taken so I just feel like it's disrespectful. Ya Know?

But yeah. okay. I decided against talking about it for now. I'm busy. So yeah. Post again laterz =D Ciao.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Past the Point of No Return

Has your head ever been cluttered with different thoughts that you couldn't even think? Mine is. Meh. I'm so rediculously stressed out about things that do and don't matter. I'm too young to be so worried about different things.

Anyways, I'm just pretty much sitting here listening to songs from Andrew Lloyd Webber's Phantom of the Opera. I like the music n_n I pretty much just love Symphony music ^___^ It's so least I think so. I really need to start digging out some old musicals...Hey. I'm a classy girl u_u

So yeah, I work tomorrow. Thank. God. Seriously. I needs me some dollars. ahaha. So yeah. It's only for two days supposidely. I really should be home right now asking/begging my mother to drive me to the whereabouts of this place so I can find it in the morning. I have to be there at nine. Honestly, I don't even know exactly what time of work it is. So yeah. I really should get these detals ahead of time. Ah well. Stuff happens. Really. So anyways...

Scott's coming to the USA =DDD I'm pretty excited about it. I'm just hoping I'll be able to spend more time with him than just a weekend. u.u; I know that would be quite disapointing to him. Plus, like, yeah. I want to. ^_^ He really is great, I just wish he wouldn't be all non-shalant er whatever when I talk to him ._.; Or when I say certain things. I guess that's just what I get for not saying it for a few months. I just get confused sometimes...And I don't like saying things unless I really feel them, ya know? Plus when you do say it it just makes it all the more special ^o^ *sigh* Anyways...Yeah...

I finished Elfen Lied today. It was good...Not nearly as messed up as School Days however. It's insane. Seriously. Watch it. ahaha. I was about to spoil it slightly but than I backspaces >D EVIL ME, HUH? Guess you'll just have to watch it. Btw. People. Look up "When I'm not near the girl I love" from the musical Finian's Rainbow. I love that movie clip. It's cute. For an old movie. Still love it.

So yeah, also..I'm on an all veggie-fruit diet. Even though I just cheated alittle bit on it >_> I won't go into detail on the cheating though. ahahaha. I'm trying ^_^ Only drinking green tea and water..mostly green tea though. I really really would like some meat something right now. Seriously. Btw, how the hell do people wear those ear headphone thingies? They hurt my little ears ;_; Ah well. That's what I get for having small features ._.; I say they're cute =DDD Oh oh, I get to stop by Brandon's work today and get a samich. Hooray for Samiches! =DD Frickin' special super awesomeness! ^_^ Ahaha..So yeah...

Anyways. I have my license now. Also my GED. I got a really good score on it too ^_^ Hopefully I'll be starting college within the next year. That'd be sweet. Not looking like the fall though, unfortunetly. u.u; Ahwell, I'm done ^_^