Monday, June 23, 2008


So, anyways. This is what's up. I'm going to Ohio in two days...well, leaving for there anyways. I won't actually get there until Wednesday...which will be, oh yeah, two days. So yeah, I leave in one day I guess then, right? huh. Yep. So I'll meet Scott. I'm pretty sure since he hasn't really given me any good pictures or let me see him on webcam that I won't even know it's him when I get there. So for all I know some random black guy will hit on me and I'll be all like "yeah, I'm I suppose to go home with you?" o_o so Seriously, like, Scott. You better come up to me and just be like "I love you. Come sleep in my home" Because like, I'd be all like "OKAY =DDD" And it will be awesome, so that's the game plan, okay? u_u So yep. That's how it's going to go down. Anyways, god, there's this little bug flying around the screen and I just can't seem to get's gone....anyways...yep. no's back..gone...did I kill it? ............. maybe.. so yeah, I'm like, tired. It's like, 3:33am..ahahah...really, it is *points* so yep. . . . tired... Scott went to sleep all early tonight. That's ghey. Cause like, when I'm there, he's going to be all sleeping...and I'm going to be all hyper. Night time is my thing. I love going on walks all late n_n it's wonderful. sucks...I don't even have anything...wait...what was I saying?,,oh yeah, I don't have anything to talk about really...I just felt like posting...But I'm too tired to think of anything to really complain about..even though I really have already complained....ooh...soo...yep...well, anyways...I can't think anymore, so maybe I should go to sleep. I need to pack tomorrow...god...and I was lecturing him before he left...I'm just as bad....specially with the dots....and like...stuff....oh god ;_; I'm like Scott .o. Watch me lose my ...n/m ..not going to jinx it. 'night.

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