Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Progression of life

Omg, I finally figured out how to change this damn font. . . I knew it was possible to do, but for some odd reason it never occured to me to click 'compose'... >_> Shows how my intelligence is slipping. ^^;; So anyways. Let's see... Things have been pretty good lately ^_^ Nothing to complain about. Well, besides my crazy family, but everybody has some little oddities about their least I think so o_O; So I'll just ignore them as always ^o^ Works best that way. No point in complaining about something that will never change @_@
Anyways. It seems like the hostilities between past interests and I have been resolved...if only temporarily. But out with the old in with the new! ha ha...So on with that. He's awesome. Seriously. I'm like, so ridiculously calm all the time now. . . I've actually began to think there's something not normal about how wonderful it all seems. But screw that, I'll just bask in the bliss e_e....Really...It's like I have all the benefits of a fakin' awesome friendship plus...well....more awesome <____> I don't even know how to explain it. It's stress. At all. None... and it seems to be only getting better.....I think most of this post is going to be how awesome he is... But of course if I said who it was it'd totally ruin the current awesomeness aspects ^___^
Anyways...continuing...It's just odd...usually I'm a pretty pushy person when I really like someone...but this time is just different...I'm perfectly content (really 100 times more than ecstatic) about the way things are going. The pace is perfectly perfect for the situation...just a shame he had to be ruined first >_> But maybe his bad past experience will only make things better for us ^^ That's how I'm feeling about it anyways...
I'm a lot more comfortable around him than I've been with anyone else in the past ^_^ Yet I'm still able to hush myself about things that don't matter (but women still nag about anyways)...for the most part...and even though I'm not nagging I'm still able to tell him that they're nagging at me .. heh. Which works perfectly because it stops that little pin that sticks me in the head from popping my brain @_@ ..weird way of putting it I suppose but that's what a women's nagging feels like...fucking flies buzzing right in your ear. -_-' So if it's that annoying to me I'd hate to put a guy I like through all that, lol. ^-^ So thusly that's my reasoning. For what? I don't know, it just sounded right. I just feel like my life has been brightened :D! How awesome is that? I KNOW! Fakin' awesome ^__________________^! I really am in a rediculously good mood.
Anyways, from all this it seems things have been going smoother as far as daily life goes. I don't feel like I have a dragging weight on me ~_~ Ya know, where it's like "I'm just going to sit on the cough all day watching trash tv" thing. o_O Weird. So I totally chopped some tree weeds from the back yard...we'll see if I feel like cleaning up the mess today or tomorrow >_> It depends on if my family gets on me to do it or not. If they do, I'll just..yeah...not finish. I hate it when they tell me to do something I'm already planning to do...especially when it's not even my responsibility -_- Fakin' do it yourself. Geez. Oh well. Enough of that.
School's also going well. There now studying for another test. Hopefully I'll be able to take it tomorrow. Seems my teacher isn't here today. Odd. Guess she just wasnt' feeling well. Kinda sad when she's not here, she really is the best teacher I've had in awhile. Very encouraging ^^! She's just so nice, and I can tell she really cares about how I progress. Well. That's the end of my post, hope you're happy Scott :P Frickin' complain too much about me not posting. I posted twice last month! >_<... Alright, well, yep. Done :DD!