Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Kitten? hmmmm??? *nudge nudge*

So I haven’t written on here in awhile. Things are going well. I’d have to say I’m still happy ^_^ I’m quite unhappy about the whole ‘cat’ situation. I mean, come on man, at least let me have a gerbil ._.’’ I just want something that’s fluffy, I really don’t understand how that would be such an immature thought. It’s like, once people grow up they forget what it’s like to be young. I’ll never overly mature. I’m perfectly capable of reasoning like an adult, I mean, I am one! Lol. However, if I want a damn gerbil, I want a damn gerbil! Don’t treat me like I’m some little kid. Honestly, I don’t feel like it’s necessary to even ask. I should have stood my ground in the beginning of it all and established my maturity before I started acting like a retard, lol. Oh well.

It kinda makes me feel shitty knowing that he doesn’t really have much respect for me. (at least this is how I feel). I guess, still, it’s my own fault. I really don’t want him to think I’m irresponsible. I’m not, honest to god! I know how to set priorities and I know what needs to be done! (one in the same :p) But yep, that’s what’s on my mind at the moment. I did feel it was necessary to ask him before getting a cat though. It does live a lot longer than a smaller animal and requires much more accommodations I suppose. But saying no to a gerbil? Come on! u.u *sigh* Oh well, I’ll get him on it one day! Another thing…why the **** can’t I buy an xbox? I’m a gamer too, damnit! Don’t tell me what I can and can’t buy just because you want to own it. We’re a team, right? Oh, another thing. You’re still listed as “divorced” on myspace. Wth? I would have thought you would have put “in a relationship” by now… ._.’ I should just be satisfied with being on the top, ne? lol. Silly really….bah…you don’t pay much attention to myspace anyhow…

Well, I have my school graduation thing to go to this Friday. Woot…finally finished e_E (btw, thanks for keeping me in line, regardless of my obviously being capable of doing fine on my own, mfft! >_>) I’m not really looking forward to going. I don’t want to drive there. I hate driving to places that I haven’t driven to before! It really makes me nervous. Not to mention I’ll have to drive to my mom’s afterwards. I’m seriously considering leaving earlier to drop the car off at my mom’s and taking public transportation the rest of the way… esh… So yep. Man, I’ve really been missing my the old chat days lately! Shuichi, facking talk to me >_< A lot of friendships have been lost in time… it’s very regrettable… *siiighhh*

On to the new! Oh man, Resident Evil 5 is awesome! Played through it with muh man :3 Unfortunately lately he’s been consumed by Fallout 3… *sigh* Please baby, please! Play it on Veteran with me D: … >_> So yep. I think this will conclude tonight’s blog entry. I’m thoroughly satisfied with my thoughts :D rawr… >.>;; heheh…

Friday, January 16, 2009

A Wonderful Life

Ahh...What a wonderful feeling...I have been feeling very satisfied with my direction lately....Well, as far as home life goes. I recently moved in with my wonderfully epic boyfriend. Oh lawd, he's so great. Hmm...howevery there's still some things bothering me. Well, mainly just work related, and I'm sure there will be a solution to that soon enough.

Currently seeking work. I think I'm doing everything pretty ok. I've been updating my resumes and profiles on Monster, CareerBuilder, as well as I'm starting to understand Resumes more and more each day and have even gone far enough to start helping a friend with his as well. ^__^ I'm quite proud of that, I know he appreciates it, even when I act like an ass when he tries to get sidetracked >_> Like today I was updating his profiles on Monster and he noticed it was moving really slow. Massive lag more like he told me to CtrlAltDel it....I was like like "I think it'll survive for two seconds." Totally wouldn't let him touch it. I knew if I had he'd gone on with it for hours and all my work would be for not. Anyways, I got his info down and am going to try to work on something more professional. I think his standards might be set alittle high for this time in his life. He needs some schooling. Though he is massively talented..people want to see degrees. That sucks.

Got off topic, aye? But yep. I'm searching for a job. Summed up.

Back to the boyfriend. Oh geeze. He's so awesome. I don't think I could find someone more wonderful than him, so I won't bother searching xP He's so great. Whenever I think to the future (which I do far too often) I know he'll make life wonderful with me. He fits into my plans perfectly, mwahahaha... >_> ya, whatevs. Seriously though. He's a fantastic guy. ^_____^ mmm..

So yah, livin' in the house now. It's great here...though it's a bit colder than back home. n_n It just has a nice air about it. No stress really (besides what I create for myself, how annoying..) Still trying to knock out some bad habits for the benefit of us both. I have a little bit of a messy personality, I really am trying to work on that. Along with keeping myself occupied while he's at work. Hopefully the job I find will be the same hours as his job....I'd hate to not see him all day. It'd massively blow.

Alright, that's all. I am bored of this. Back to the job seach : D